Company resource

The company resource is a simple crud resource like the person one, but it comes with a new feature: a custom function.

This is a simple way to extends identified resources (and to overcome clients limitations) by handling url parts that follow the resource identifier.

For our company, we would like to retrieve a list employees functions for a given company.

First let’s implement this in our controller:

object CompanyController extends RestCrudController[Company]{
    def functions(company: Company) = Action {
      val functions = for {
        item <- EmployeeContainer.items.values if
      } yield item.function


Next, we would like to have that action called when doing a HTTP GET on an url like: /api/crm/company/1/functions

To do so, we will add the company controller to the crm api:

val crmApi = RestApiRouter()

And to extend the company controller with a new function, we will explicitly create a RestResourceRouter and add the new function to it:

val crmApi = RestApiRouter()
  .add(new RestResourceRouter(CompanyController)
    .add("functions", GET, CompanyController.functions _)